
About Consultation

I am pleased to offer individual and/or group clinical behavioral health consultation to explore and process complex cases with other treatment providers & agencies. Examples of this service include but are not limited to the following:

  • You are a psychiatric treatment provider and your work with a particular client has stalled. You seek ideas on what may be limiting treatment effectiveness and how to break through this plateau.
  • You are the director of a healthcare/residential facility or department. Your staff endure stressful, emotionally taxing work conditions and morale could use a boost. Your staff may benefit from having a periodic outlet, facilitated by an experienced 3rd party clinician, to explore and process work-related stressors in an effort to reduce caregiver burnout.
  • Your residential facility/department does not provide in-house behavioral health treatment. You seek to provide in-house psychotherapy for your residents, as well as consultation for your staff regarding the management of complicated/inappropriate behavioral issues.
  • Your facility/department was cited by a regulatory agency for failing to adequately provide for a resident's social/psychological needs. You seek professional guidance to work closely with your staff to fine-tune their assessment, treatment planning, and documentation skills.
  • Your Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) is required by law to hire a professional with an LMSW or higher credentials for consultation regarding psychosocial needs.

Please contact me to learn more if you or your organization could benefit from a fresh clinical perspective.